Please be sure to renew your contract before it runs out or your electricity company will probably raise your rates by 50 percent. Most electricity companies will raise your rates if you are not under a contract. It is good to write on your calendar or do a reminder on your smartphone to remind yourself to renew or you could loose hundreds of dollars in extra electricity costs. Many electricity companies will tell you on your paper bill or by email when your contract runs out. If you dont study your paper bill or the email from your electricity company, you might forget to renew your contact before it runs out. It is good to renew your contract as soon as possible, before the renewal date, in case you think you might forget. Many times, you can renew your contract one or two months before your contract ends.
Sometimes it will take you a few months to realize that the electricity company is charging you more than what you used to pay. Most of the time, they will say that they can’t refund your money if you tell them you forgot to renew your contract. Some people might think they have an air conditioning problem because their electricity bill went up alot. Some people might think that it is a result of a a change in the weather. Many will call the air conditioning repairman to come out and see in anything needs to be fixed. When they find out that nothing is wrong with their air conditioner, they might realize that they forgot to renew their contract.