In many cities, there are companies that will work to save you money on property taxes. These companies will talk to the government workers who decide how much property tax you should pay. Many times, these people will be able to lower your property taxes for a fee. Please put the name of the city (or city and state) you live in- in a search engine. After that, please put the words property tax protest or property tax appeal.
For example, if you live in Miami, please put the words Miami property tax protest or Miami property tax appeal in the search engine. If there is not one in your city, you might also look for companies in neighboring cities who will protest for you. Also, if you are going to do this idea, it is best to contact the companies as early as possible as there are deadlines to make a protest or appeal. I have heard that people can learn how to do this by themselves without paying another company to do this for them.
Here are some online articles on the subject.
4 Steps To Lower Property Taxes
O’Cpmmpr Tax Reduction Expers
Property Tax Tips
The Property Tax Appeal Process Explained
House Logic